Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Too Long Since I've Seen Your Face

I am the first to admit that life with all of it's chaos has kept me away. I had severely underestimated the amount of free time my university course would take. The answer, every ounce of free time!

I had the pleasure of meeting my stunningly perfect nephew last night. He was born on Sunday morning and I am completely head-over-heels in love with this sweet boy! Lynnea named him Lullaby before we even knew he was a boy or a name had been decided. She still wants to call him that which is absolutely adorable. His name is Charlie, by the way, and Brannon says his given name along with the one Lynnea gave to Charlie. We were all completely shocked by this turn of events. He refuses to even attempt to say his sister's name or the shortened version she gave to herself, Nea. Instead, he calls her 'Do' which means 'you'.

So that's my quick recap of what I've been up to lately! I have loads of new adventures stored up and bursting to get out so don't leave yet!e1w2

Welcome to My Perfectly Imperfect Life

Hello and welcome! 

This is a fun and whimsical look into my wonderfully chaotic life as of a stay at home mother of 2. Follow me on my journey as I juggle my many different 'jobs' whilst finding time to pursue adventure and new hobbies. 

My name is Jenneal and I am American expat who lives in Birmingham, UK which is where my journey started 41/2  years ago with my darling British husband. We might as well laugh at ourselves as we battle through life raising our amazing and, more often than not, very cheeky children.

I've Moved!

Welcome to my blog's new home. After spending weeks finally perfecting my blog on the old site and only a few posts, the cut me off! I couldn't post anything new without upgrading to one of their expensive monthly packages. Infuriated, I packed up and moved! Thank you for visiting and following me on my newest adventure!

I am in the process of transferring my past adventures to this URL but if you're keen to read them and can't wait then feel free to follow the link to my old site!
