Monday, 20 July 2015

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy

I am a lover of jazz and 'Summertime' is one of my all time favorite songs and . Here's the link if you want to see what i'm talking about Summertime Norah Jones. It's the Norah Jones version because I adore her and, being a pianist myself, have so much respect for her artistry. When I think of or hear this song I disappear into my imagination floating down a slow moving river, cocktail in hand, enjoying some peace and quiet. These are the kind of summers that some people have. My kind of summer is......let's just say.....a bit different now. I am head over heels in love with my kids but as every parent knows, there are times when you kind of start to pull out your hair. Friday was the last day of school for my 4 year old daughter. She loves school and going to see her friends, teachers, and learn new things is the highlight of her week. On her days off she does get into little bits of mischief, of course, but on the whole she is a very well behaved and helpful little girl. There was a shift when I told her that she was done with school for the summer and then she'll start reception inSeptember. having no concept of time yet, I foolishly thought that it would just feel like a long week off to her. A long week off TO HER. But it's me that already feels like the fun will never end. I am a great mom. I'm not being cocky, conceited, or arrogant. It's just the truth. I stay calm and speak to my kids in a respectful tone, I put on puppet shows with them and make huge messes with props in the conservatory, only one dessert type treat per day at the most, and healthy delicious homemade meals are part of our every day routine. I had planned out which crafts we'd do over the weeks and for some reason in my mind everyone was behaving well together at the table nicely using the glitter glue on their princess crown.

I know what you're thinking, "excuse me, have you ever met a 2 and 4 year old before?" Why yes I have, thank you for asking. I also am very aware that my children in particular are high put it mildly. Then why did I have these visions of perfection?Because sadly, I am still a perfectionist at heart trying to remember she lives in a not-so-perfect world. With that being said, I invite you into my house.

The little one wakes me up, look at the time, 6:45 am (great!). I take him downstairs and I give him breakfast which he actually eats! I make my coffee and sit down. Everything is going so smoothly that I refuse to even acknowledge that anything is different today. Even the never ending rain cannot get my spirit down! The little one and I are up for about an hour when the big one walks in smiling!!!! Can anything be more perfect???! It really is like the little one can read my mind because instead of being super excited to see his big sister ( as usual) he gets angry that she might possibly maybe in the future somehow interfere with what he's doing. So *sigh* he tries to push her back to the stairs and now I have my very own MMA match live from my living room. Hair is being pulled (mine included), blankets are being snatched from their owners, and the sound is enough to put fighting cats to shame. This set the tone for the rest of the morning. She builds a tower, he sends it crashing down. He gets on the car, she pulls the car in the opposite direction that he wants to go. I didn't wear black and white stripes today but I am definitely a referee. I am not exactly sure what my neighbors think but I'm pretty confident that one of them thinks I just let them carry on whilst I try to ignore the noise because nothing I try to do makes much of a difference. 

It's 1:15pm and no housework has yet been done. Dishes are still in the sink and I have a load of laurndry to fold. OH! But I did vacuum because they did get into the fridge and spilled carrots all over the floor. Pssst! Remind me to replace the fridge lock! I'm giving the housework one more shot before I say "to hell with it" and make myself a freaking princess crown. 

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